The term web developers and web designers are often mistaken one for another by techies and non techies although both are different; they also at some point do have their similarities.
The web designer is the person responsible for the creation of the website concept. They might decide that it needs to be a certain color, with certain content and pages. A web designer arranges the stuffs on the web page as they ought to be. They use tools like adobe XD, figma and others for designing although some web designers also have programming skills. However, they don’t take part in the construction of the website or the underlying code.
The web developer takes the designer’s concepts and creates the code that is used to turn them into a website. A web developer is a coder (one who writes code) he/she is most at times referred to as a programmer. A web developer has the basic knowledge of html, CSS, JavaScript, PHP (python and java as it may be). He/she develops the web page with the aforementioned skills.
Both the web developers and web designers work hand in hand to create beautiful web pages and they are both humans. Just kidding
A web developer can be a web designer too if he/she has the needful skills same goes the other way round.